questions to ask your girlfriend

50 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend for a Deeper Connection

All long-term relationships have a point where things get too cozy. After the honeymoon, the bathroom door closes less, and you spend more time watching Love Is Blind in silence than dancing and romancing. At that point, you may choose to give up and get a roommate. No doubt, we love platonic housemates who binge-watch exploitative reality TV! You probably didn’t date to be friends with a few shared interests.

If you think your emotional connection with your girlfriend/wife/partner is decreasing, spend more time together. Sitting down with your partner and giving them your entire attention can improve your bond and keep that spark alive. Does it require much effort? Absolutely. Is it hard? Duh! In case you need help, here are 50 questions to deepen your relationship and show your spouse you’re in it for the long haul.

1. When you were 5, what did you want to be? What about 15? How about now?

2. Who was your first crush?

3. What was your greatest out-of-character act?

4. What do you think of surprise parties?

5. Do you trust astrology?

6. What are you most afraid of that is unlikely?

7. What do you think of Taylor Swift?

8. What was your favorite childhood book?

9. What was your most embarrassing school moment?

10. Did you like high school or college?

11. What color would you eliminate forever?

12. What is your hidden favorite odd meal combination?

13. Do you believe in God?

14. Have you committed a crime?

15. Your opinion of the prison system?

16. What is your funeral preference?

17. How do you feel about bachelorette parties?

18. What substances would you and wouldn’t try?

19. What’s your favorite pair of shoes?

20. Are there any “deal-breakers” without exceptions?

21. Which five countries would you like to visit next?

22. Would you prefer apparate or utilize Floo powder? You must explain if they haven’t read Harry Potter.

23. What movie did everyone love but you hated?

24. Which type of written laughing do you prefer? Funny, haha, etc.

25. Would you change anything if you knew you’d live 200?

26. Weirdest sex fantasy?

27. Which aspect of your day do you most anticipate?

28. Which inclement weather do you prefer?

29. What kind of bad weather do you dread?

30. If you were handed a million dollars today and instructed to spend it before tomorrow, what would you do?

31. Would you want fame?

32. What cheese do you like?

Also Read: 125 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

33. Do you favour author, genre, or spine colour book organization?

34. What was your best sale purchase?

35. What’s the best dating advice you’ve received?

36. Which term grosses you?

37. Which Bachelor Nation character likes you? Andlast? ?37. Which Bachelor Nation character likes you? And last?

38. Do other animals resent us for believing we’re better?

39. What have you lost and missed?

40. Have you had reoccurring dreams? Are they about?

41. Which music always takes you back?

42. Can individuals change?

43. Describe the nicest clothing you’ve seen.

44. A surprise cake appears at a celebration. Which taste would disappoint you most?

45. Worst self-meal you’ve made?

46. How often do you think about how your organs are intended to work automatically?

47. How old can people vote?

48. How important are political differences in friendships, families, and romantic relationships?

49. What do you enjoy most about me?

50. What do you enjoy best about yourself? 


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